Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Concept Evaluation

The Earth (ken Miki)

Ken Miki's The Earth design is simple and aligent that work well and communicate directly with people.
His concept is very simple and strait forword it shows his studio's location in the world map in very creative way. According to his method "Designing as we tallk" the concept was very simple for this design. Having feeling something by touching it keeps in mind perfectly that is why he has produced his studio's map in 3D. Having creating 3D box it can covers the whole world map as his design requirments and he has used white colour for all the box and the world map that tells the simlicity and neatness of his work. Doing embossed effect on the world map that lift the design quality perfectly. I think his simple design concept is far more better.

1 comment:

  1. Your critique is lacking thorough thought and research.

